quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2015

Ao ouvir Arnold Schoenberg (Verklärte Nacht) inevitavelmente desperto todos os sentidos da alma. O colorido da sua música proporcionado pela complexa técnica de composição utilizada (Dodecafonismo) assemelha-se na minha ótica à paleta de sentimentos e série de pensamentos que me assolam enquanto o ouço. Funciona em casos de preocupação ou situações a resolver. Atmosfera tensa. E reflito. E analiso. Exponho o pensamento. Desdobro-o. Vejo noutra perspetiva. Coloco-me no centro e olho em todas as direções. O que me faz bem, pergunto. O que quero. Será o mesmo ? Instinto. Aquela coisa primitiva que por vezes diz mais que a razão mesmo sem explicar. Tempo. No tempo cabe tudo. Sei que sim. Estou a aprender a andar devagar, a saber esperar. Chegará o dia e eu vou estar lá com um sorriso. Com tempo.

Abaixo, o poema de Dehmel que a música ilustra.

Transfigured Night

Two people are walking through a bare, cold wood;
the moon keeps pace with them and draws their gaze.
The moon moves along above tall oak trees,
there is no wisp of cloud to obscure the radiance
to which the black, jagged tips reach up.

A woman's voice speaks:

"I am carrying a child, and not by you.
I am walking here with you in a state of sin.
I have offended grievously against myself.
I despaired of happiness,
and yet I still felt a grievous longing
for life's fullness, for a mother's joys
and duties; and so I sinned,
and so I yielded, shuddering, my sex
to the embrace of a stranger,
and even thought myself blessed.
Now life has taken its revenge,
and I have met you, met you."

She walks on, stumbling.
She looks up; the moon keeps pace.
Her dark gaze drowns in light.

A man's voice speaks:

"Do not let the child you have conceived
be a burden on your soul.
Look, how brightly the universe shines!
Splendour falls on everything around,
you are voyaging with me on a cold sea,
but there is the glow of an inner warmth
from you in me, from me in you.
That warmth will transfigure the stranger's child,
and you bear it me, begot by me.
You have transfused me with splendour,
you have made a child of me."

He puts an arm about her strong hips.
Their breath embraces in the air.
Two people walk on through the high, bright night.

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