domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2019

O texto que se segue não é da minha autoria, mas a (pequena) autora pediu-me para publicar. 12 anos de Mulher.(Não corrigido.)

"I am sitting in my sofa with my computer so I can write but I wonder… what it would be like to have to sit down and type/write on a typing machine.
The 2000s and 2010s generations have been so privileged compared to the past ones that we don’t even notice that. Children today are practically born holding a smartphone or a tablet. Is this really how we want to raise them?
I am a supporter of teaching to kids how life was in the twentieth century. The knowledge people had was minor then it is today, which was an issue. Today we are raised to believe things which we never even considered to be truth in the past decades.
In a time where women didn’t go to school and didn’t have the education they deserved, men were the ones who ran the world, which showed later to be catastrophic.
One can even ask himself sometimes: if women were in control instead of men would WW2 have existed? Would there any war have existed?
I am not saying that women aren’t violent because many of them are but surely the world would have been different. Would men still go to war if there was one or world they be the ones staying home with the children and women would defend their country.
The girl of today is privileged because she can vote and can do a whole other group of things that in the past wouldn’t be allowed. She can only do it because her ancestors fought for her to have a good future.
What about boys? Do they have consciousness that their ancestors were the ones that obligated women to fight for their rights? Do they learn that and know it was wrong and it still is, or are we repeating history itself once more?
There weren’t many resources in the last centuries for people to have a decent education, only if they were lucky enough to have one. So humankind ignored all kind of knowledge once it was offered. I fear to say that they were afraid of it.
This is why education is needed. This is why our history books and manuals must change. This is why our world will hardly ever change.
We are doomed to repeat history. We are not taught history well enough for us not to commit the same mistakes we have made in the past.
But can we change it? Can we prove ourselves different?

-Susana 2019"

Resultado de imagem para mulheres voto

Dá-me a tua paz
passa-me a tua energia
faz-me enfrentar os medos
tira-me os receios das consequências
que o teu sal me salve dos olhados
que a tua ondulação me embale a tomar atitudes
ensina-me a tua persistência
a tua imensa presença
o amor com que a envolves supera tudo
dias mais calmos outros nem tanto
o risco é diário
mas a verdade está lá sempre
- és sempre tu.

quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2019

Resultado de imagem para correria quotidianoPercorro ruas e ruelas, caminho e olho em frente, observo as pessoas e tento interpretar cada expressão, cada ruga, cada olhar. Entre corridas, telefonemas, sorrisos, conversas, há o silêncio que cada um carrega dentro de si. O que vemos por fora, mascara o que está por dentro dessa pessoa. Isso acontece sobretudo nas camadas média/alta da sociedade. Porque não mostrar o que se é, quem se é, como se é ? Os menos abastados são de facto aqueles que vivem na verdade. Na sua pobreza de bens, pode sobressair a sua grandeza interior sem intenção alguma de ofuscar o seu igual. Ao passo que os outros na condição oposta decoram-se exteriormente, sentem necessidade de não igualar o seu semelhante mas sim distinguir-se entre tantos que têm objectivos idênticos aos seus. Triste. É triste no mínimo que assim seja. As pessoas perdem aos poucos a noção da realidade, das prioridades, dos sentimentos e mesmo da ética e valores. E quando dão por si, no limite em que sufocam as aparrências e bens adquiridos a crédito, querem despojar-se de tudo e voltarem à condição inicial que roça a singularidade pura do "eu". Aquele "eu" em que todos somos iguais. Afinal, não nascemos todos nús ?